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The Huntress

Aktualisiert: 5. Okt. 2023

Darth Cognus, originally known as "The Huntress," is a character from the Star Wars Expanded Universe, specifically introduced in the "Darth Bane" trilogy of novels, with her first appearance in "Darth Bane: Dynasty of Evil."

As "The Huntress," she is depicted as a highly skilled assassin and Force-sensitive individual with a talent for tracking and eliminating targets. Her proficiency in the ways of the dark side of the Force catches the attention of Darth Bane, a key figure in Sith history. Recognizing her potential, Darth Bane takes her as his Sith apprentice.

Under Darth Bane's mentorship, she adopts the Sith name Darth Cognus and ascends as a Sith Lord in her own right. Her character embodies the Sith philosophy of embracing the Rule of Two, which dictates that there can only be one Sith Master and one Sith apprentice at any given time.

The Huntress: 15 HP, 22 cards, Orange Shooter Deck

2 Mercenaries: 4 HP, 9 cards, Strong Shooter Deck

The Huntress - 12 Talent Cards


A5. After the attack is resolved you may discard any card, to attack again with an attack value of 3.


A4*. If the attack is completely blocked the target takes 6 damage if a major, 8 if a minor character.


D4. If the attack is ranged, the attack value is reduced by half (rounding down).

Draw a card.


Play anytime a special card would deal damage to The Huntress.

Reduce the damage by 2. The opponent playing that special card has to discard

1 card for every damage the card was originally meant to deal.


Roll two dice and move The Huntress for up to as many spaces. Playing this card does not count as an action.


Choose an adjacent character. The controlling player either discards 3 cards or that character can't move, attack or defend until after his next turn.

Major Miniature: Iktochi Tech Specialist, #47, Revenge of the Sith Minor Miniatures: Human Mercenary #46, Revenge of the Sith

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