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Shado Vao

Aktualisiert: 7. Okt. 2023

Shado Vao, a Rutian Twi'lek Jedi Master, played a pivotal role during the tumultuous Sith–Imperial War and Second Imperial Civil War in the Star Wars Expanded Universe (Legends).

Apprenticed to Jedi Master Kol Skywalker, Shado's close friendship with Kol's son, Cade Skywalker, defined his journey. After surviving the Massacre on Ossus, Shado continued his training under Master Wolf Sazen, preparing for Cade's return.

Their paths converged on Vendaxa, where they believed Cade held the key to uniting the Jedi against Darth Krayt. Subsequent adventures included a successful mission to assassinate Darth Krayt with the help of Jedi Knight Celeste Morne.

Promoted to Jedi Master, Shado participated in vital missions, including a rescue on Korriban and the defense of the Hidden Temple against Sith forces.

Shado Vao's legacy symbolized the unwavering dedication of the Jedi in preserving peace during challenging times.

Shado Vao: 18 HP, 22 cards, Blue Deck

2 GA Trooper: 4 HP, 9 cards, Weak Minor Shooter Deck

Shado Vao - 12 Talent Cards


A6. Draw a card and reveal it. If the card is a GA Trooper card, you may draw another one.


Play this card after attacking or defending with a basic combat card to add the value of this card to the one played. Does not count as an extra action.


Move Shado adjacent to any character he can attack at range. That character receives 3 damage.


D10. The attacking character must discard a card at random.


Choose an opponent. That player must choose and discard 1 card for every card you discard, including this card.


Take any card from your discard pile and put it in your hand.

Major Miniature: Shado Vao, #38, Legacy of the Force

Minor Miniatures: Galactic Alliance Trooper, #32, Legacy of the Force

I was thinking a while about teaming him up with his Master, Wolf Sazen but in the end deceided both deserve their own decks. This also gave me a chance to take one of the existing Legacy decks and use it for my set. The goal always was to have a combination of my own new decks, concepts from other decks I otherwise would never use and decks that already existed and I like but IMO need a little tweak. Shado falls in the latter category. So the deck you see here is themaples14's original Shado Vao deck with some minor tweaks here and there. If you want to check out his original version, you can find it here on the wiki.

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