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Marasiah Fel

Aktualisiert: 5. Okt. 2023

Marasiah Fel is a significant character in the Star Wars Expanded Universe, known for her role in the "Legacy" comic series. She is a member of the Fel dynasty, a prominent family within the Fel Empire.

Marasiah Fel is the daughter of Roan Fel, the ruling Emperor of the Fel Empire, which is one of the few remaining Galactic Empires following the fall of the Galactic Empire. Despite her noble lineage, Marasiah is not content with the role of a traditional princess. She is a strong-willed and skilled warrior who becomes a key figure in the fight against the Sith and those who seek to undermine her family's rule.

Marasiah's journey is marked by her determination to protect her family's legacy and restore order to the galaxy. She forms an alliance with Cade Skywalker, the series' protagonist, as they work together to combat various threats and navigate the complexities of a galaxy in turmoil.

Her character is known for her intelligence, bravery, and loyalty to the Fel Empire, making her a central figure in the "Legacy" comics and a symbol of resilience in the face of adversity.

Marasiah Fel: 15 HP, 22 cards, Cyan Melee Deck

2 Stormtrooper: 4 HP, 9 cards, Weak Minor Shooter

Marasiah Fel - 12 Talent Cards


A2. Discard cards from your draw pile until you draw a Marasiah basic card. The defender receives damage equal to the lowest number on that card. Then put that card into your hand.


Move Marasiah up to 7 spaces. If you end movement adjacent to an enemy character, you may use any Marasiah card from your discard pile to attack that character, without using an action.


A4. If this card is defended, halve the defense value (rounded down).


A3/D3. Shuffle up to 2 cards not named SNARKY ATTITUDE from your discard pile into your

draw pile. Draw a card.


A*. *The attack value equals the number of Marasiah basic cards in your discard pile. Once revealed, this attack also targets all enemy characters adjacent to the attacked character.


D7. You may play this card for Marasiah or any character she could target if ranged. If the defense exceeds the attack value, the defender recovers health equal to that amount.

Major Miniature: Marasiah Fel, #25, Legacy of the Force

Minor Miniatures: Imperial Pilot, #36, Rebel Storm

This deck copies all the cards and mechanics from CRFR787's deck for F, the Star Wars Visions character. I found the concept too cool not to use it in any way in one of my decks. You may also want to check out his F deck here.

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