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Corran Horn

Aktualisiert: 14. Dez. 2023

Corran Horn is a prominent character in the Star Wars Expanded Universe, now known as Star Wars Legends. He is introduced in the "X-Wing" series of novels and later appears in other novels and media.

Horn begins his journey as a Corellian Security Force (CorSec) officer on his homeworld of Corellia, known for his exceptional piloting skills. However, his life takes a dramatic turn when he discovers his Force sensitivity and Jedi heritage. He becomes a member of Luke Skywalker's New Jedi Order, receiving training in the ways of the Force.

Corran Horn is known for his strong sense of justice and his unwavering commitment to protecting the galaxy from various threats, including the remnants of the Empire and emerging new dark side forces. He wields a distinctive green lightsaber and becomes a respected Jedi Knight.

Corran Horn: 18 HP, 22 cards, Magenta Deck

Jedi Knights: 5 HP, 9 cards, Strong+ Deck

Corran Horn - 12 Talent Cards


A6*. *After revealing the attack, you may discard any cards Corran has put aside to increase the attack value by 1 per card.


D3. If Corran takes damage from the attack instead of discarding the attack card, Corran puts the card aside for later use. Damage dealt is reduced 1 for every card put aside before the attack.


Move Corran up to 5 spaces. Draw a card.


Choose an opponent, that player has to choose and discard 2 cards Corran puts aside for later use.

Major Miniature: Corran Horn #52, Champions of the Force

Minor Miniatures: Just take whatvever generic Jedi minis you like.

Another one of those EU Expansion characters that did not receive enough love back in the day and ended up with a mediocre deck. This is my latest effort to get him up to speed and make him actually fun to play though still staying somehow true to the idea of the original design.

Again, big thanks to isutton007 for coming up with most of the artwork and sharing it with me, especially the great cardback.

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